📃️ Describe Endpoint
Further information about the describe endpoint.
GET /describe.ashx
This is the endpoint that allows you to look up station information.
Parameter | Example | Description |
id | s42069 | This is your station id. |
<opml version="1">
<outline type="object" text="OctoStation">
<slogan>2 cool 4 a slogan!</slogan>
<location>Istanbul, Turkey</location>
<description>Octo bass for your ears</description>
<phone>(420) 690 00 00</phone>
<mailing_address>Someplace, TX, 53882 Texas Road</mailing_address>
<genre_name>Alternative Rock</genre_name>
<tz>GMT - 6 (Austin, Texas)</tz>
Get station information
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